
Stunning Russian Facial Features

Russian face features are very similar to those of the northerners, the main common feature being blond hair and eyes. They are considered one of the most beautiful nations in the world. Russian people have very refined facial features, this is what makes them more tender. The shape of the face is mostly oval or round and this adds lightness to their overall appearance. The population of Russia boasts neat narrow noses and large and wide-open eyes. In addition, locals have many other characteristics, which we will analyze below.

Typical Russian Facial Features

A typical Russian face has a soft oval face, mostly light shades of eyes and hair, not too wide of a face, and not thick eyebrows. At the same time, they do not have wide foreheads, neat, narrow noses, and large, expressive eyes.

For representatives of many countries, Rusia appearance may seem rather defiant and unusual, and girls often call Russian women too bright because of their outfits. Like any other nation, the facial features of men and women are different. Now we will consider in detail the features of the appearance of a Russian woman and a Russian.

Russian Facial Features

Female Facial Features

Russian facial features female are quite different from other nations. Girls in Russia are among the most beautiful in the world precisely due to their appearance. Most of the beauty contests were won by them, and this is not surprising, because not all female representatives can boast of such an attractive appearance. Russian women have bright appearances, despite their neat and petite features. Girls have the following characteristic facial features:

  • Oval face. This face shape is the most important distinguishing feature from other nations, because thanks to the soft oval, the girls look feminine and at ease.
  • Narrow nose. For locals, a slightly raised tip of the nose is characteristic, but despite this, it does not look big and rough;
  • Light eyes (gray, blue, green). For locals, a slightly raised tip of the nose is characteristic, but despite this, it does not look big and rough;
  • Blond hair (white, blond). Most girls have blond hair, and they are very proud of it, while representatives of other countries dream of having blond hair instead of black;
  • Plump lips. Russia women can boast of their juicy and rather large lips by nature. Many girls from other countries are trying to make this shape and size with the help of cosmetic interventions;
  • Big eyes. Girls have wide open, big eyes in which you can drown. For Russian women, this is considered one of the main advantages, because thanks to their eyes, they can conquer the world;
  • Light skin color. Since ancient times, white skin color was considered a sign of aristocracy, so girls in Russia are proud of their skin, reminiscent of the color of milk;
  • High cheekbones. Due to the cheekbones, the girls have sweet appearances and sophisticated, beautiful faces. Cheekbones do not make their appearance rough, on the contrary, they give even more femininity.

Russian female features are very feminine and sweet, which do not imply sharp corners and cheekbones. An oval, and in some cases, a round face gives the image of femininity. Russian women are not so easy to find in the crowd, because even though they have a characteristic milky skin color and blond hair, you can also meet tanned burning brunettes or bright girls with red hair.

Also, Russian women have slim figures and average height. Their shoulders are not wide, and their waist resembles a slender birch. The figure of the inhabitants of Russia resembles an hourglass.

Long, slender legs can also distinguish girls from the crowd because each of them takes care of her body and believes that beauty is above all. In many countries, they say that girls from Russia are too pretentious and brightly dressed, but local women believe that you should always look good, no matter where they go, to a restaurant or just to the store.

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russian face features

Male Facial Features

Men in Russia also differ in their appearance from representatives of other nations. Since ancient times, they have been considered stately, strong, and powerful. Local men are of average height and differ in the following facial features:

  • Snub nose. Russian facial structure in most cases has a small, slightly upturned nose;
  • The indistinct slope of the forehead. The forehead in men is rather narrow;
  • Light eyes. People in Russia mostly have blue, gray, or green eyes, in rare cases, there are brown-eyed men;
  • Light hair pigmentation. One of the Russian features is blond or light brown hair;
  • Broad shoulders. According to this characteristic, one can easily distinguish a Russian man in a crowd;
  • Massive skeleton. Men in Russia have a fairly massive physique, they have experience and plow in the field and overcome enemies;
  • Developed muscles. The representatives of the stronger sex are characterized by large and powerful muscles.

In addition, a lot of people consider Russian men to be overly promiscuous, can answer rudely, and have languid looks. It is believed that men in other countries are more friendly and open, while Russian heroes do not consider it necessary to be overly polite with others. Many country males do not care about their appearance, prefer to live by their own rules, and become fat, spoiled, and look much older than their biological age.

Russian Facial Distinction from Other Slavic People 

Russian people physical characteristics have individual characteristics that distinguish them from other nations. For example, you can found differences between Russian and Ukrainian appearance in that the beauty of Russian women is more like a northern type. These are small, refined features, light eyes, and hair. Ukrainian women are more reminiscent of residents of the south. They have larger and more expressive facial features than the indigenous women of Russia.

Ukrainian women are dominated by bright hair and eye colors, such as brown, black, or dark green, and brown or black hair. In Ukraine, there is almost no choice of blond hair color, while almost every Russian woman can boast of her naturally blond hair. Slavic facial features unite these two nations, but another distinguishing feature is that Ukrainian women in most cases have thick dark eyebrows, which cannot be said about Russian women.

In addition, they are distinguished by skin color, since Russian women have light skin, similar to milk, and Ukrainian women, on the contrary, are dark, closer to brown. Many girls from Russia also like darker skin color, but most of them consider fair skin to be beautiful and aristocratic, so they are in no hurry to tan. If we compare Russian facial characteristics and Ukrainian ones, we can say that a Russian woman has a cold winter, and a Ukrainian woman a hot summer.

typical russian face


Having studied Russian physical characteristics, we can conclude that people are quite different from representatives of other countries. Differences can be seen not only in facial features but also in general stature. Russian female features have a rather sweet and gentle look, while men in Russia look strong and brutal.

Comparing the appearance of Russian women and residents of the nearest Slavic nation, we can conclude that Russians differ in the color of their skin, eyes, hair, and more refined facial features, unlike Ukrainian girls. Russian beauty has been valued at all times, and after many years it can be said that the appearance of Russian people still wins the hearts of representatives of different countries.

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